September 14, 2024

Our activity:

  • Flagship products: highly reliable bearings and expansion joints developed with radically new and patented technology.
  • Production volume: more than 7,800 bearings and more than 12,000 m of expansion joints and more than 360 aseismic systems, sold in the Russian and overseas markets.
  • Projects: bridges, motorway junctions, flyovers, sporting facilities, theatre buildings and high-rise buildings.
  • Special conditions: seismic areas, construction in northern climate area, operations in confined spaces etc.

Stroycomplex-5 Group

Was created to structure the operations of participant companies and strictly divide their functions resulting in the enhanced efficiency and quality of the work performed.

Stroycomplex-5 Group includes:

  • SC Stroycomplex-5 LLC — an engineering company providing development of design documentation, arranging the research support, patent protection and marketing research. In addition, the company staff apply special coating over product surface (in particular, friction reducing or friction coatings with an adjustable friction coefficient);
  • Stroycomplex-Export LLC — a company that ensures performing of export orders and other import/export operations.

The Stroycomplex-5 company operates for 30 years; over the years, it has gained extensive experience in the creation and manufacture of various critical structures for bridge construction, industrial and civil construction. Our products have been used in hundreds of objects from the Caucasus to the Kola Peninsula; from the Baltic States to the Far East.

Products are manufactured under duly agreed Technical Specifications and have all necessary certificates (see Certificates, Patents and Technical Specifications).

The Stroycomplex-5 Group staff considers most interesting those tasks that large companies shy away from by various reasons. Our trend translates into the company’s motto, ‘Innovation. Development and Realization’.

Please write or call: (+7 812) 560-71-69, +7 921 969-76-93

Brief description of the products supplied by the Stroycomplex-5 Group

1. Bearings

There are three types of bearings produced according to our in-house design. Those are segmented ball bearings, tangential sliding bearings and sliding bearings (without the turn of supporting node). The scope of application related to the loads of those type supporting parts is virtually unlimited, from 10 to 3,000 tons, in terms of the permissible shifts, from 0 (fixed bearings) to ±250-300 mm (longitudinally, laterally and extensively movable bearings). For the period from 1995 to 2021, there were manufactured over 7,800 supporting parts.

The comparison with other types of supporting parts manufactured by domestic or overseas companies is in favor of the constructions, offered by SC Stroycomplex-5 LLC.

The company has major experience in manufacturing ‘standard’ supporting parts, i.e. flat, tangential and cable rocker bearings. We have repeatedly produce single-roller bearings and various custom-tailored bearing assemblies.

Please write or call: (+7 812) 560-71-69, +7 921 969-76-93

2. Expansion joints for bridges

Expansion joints for both road and pedestrian bridge structures are available in three types for the respective mutual displacement of the connected structures:

  • T-shaped rubber inserts for displacement up to 20 mm;
  • metal single-module expansion joints with arc-shaped rubber inserts for displacement up to 100 mm and multi-module expansion joints for displacement up to 160, 240, 320 mm and more for road bridges;
  • comb metal expansion joints for displacement up to 400 mm;

In addition, expansion and settlement joints (rubber inserts) are made for abutment section joints, supporting walls, tunnels and water stops that are a combination of T-shaped inserts as well as expansion and settlement joints.

Since 2009, the company has been manufacturing expansion joints with rubber inserts for railway bridges focused on the ballast-based carriage.

By all the parameters, these structures are no worse than foreign counterparts but much cheaper. For the period from 1998 to 2021, there were manufactured over 12,000 linear meters of expansion joints of various types.

Please write or call: (+7 812) 560-71-69, +7 921 969-76-93

3. Sliding sections and other structures to launch bridge spans.

These parts are process oriented. The designs implemented by the production are reliable and versatile. Over twenty years, more than 20,000 such sliding sections of high-quality plywood faced with anti-frictional material have been produced.

In addition to sliding sections, the company provides a package supply of span launching structures, including rockers, runner skids, stops etc. both self-engineered and under the designs of other companies.

Please write or call: (+7 812) 560-71-69, +7 921 969-76-93

4. Flat jacks

The working body of a flat jack (Freyssinet jack) is a closed metal vessel equipped with fittings through which the working fluid is fed into it. The estimated travel of such a jack with one working body is 15-20 mm. Since a load is lifted and lowered by a jack with plastic deformation of the vessel walls, its lifetime is limited (the estimated number of lifting and lowering is 20 cycles). Thus, the jacks are supplied with additional working bodies.

The dimensions of such a jack with a lifting capacity of 200 t is 400x400x450 mm and the weight in the assembled condition is less than 60 kg make it possible to install it on the cap of the bearing part (without scaffolding arrangements) and replace the bearing parts without traffic interruption of movement over the bridge or overpass.

Please write or call: (+7 812) 560-71-69, +7 921 969-76-93

5. Aseismic systems

In 2001, the Stroycomplex Company initiated a serious study of aseismic systems design for bridges being under construction in seismic areas. These solutions include two main areas of seismic protection, e.g. seismic suppression due to the out-of-phase oscillations of various bridge elements and seismic isolation with dry friction dampers. The damping system specifications for bearing parts and shock absorbers operated in combination with dampers, through which shock absorbers should be attached to stoppers, were developed.

Basing on the know-how of our company, the Starokramatorsky Machine Building Plant, Ukraine has manufactured bearings and aseismic systems for an out-of-class railway bridge across the river Amu Darya in Turkmenistan. The bridge was opened for railway traffic in 2009. In 2011, Stroycomplex completed the order on manufacturing of rod and spring shock absorbers for railway overpasses for the transport infrastructure of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi and for a bridge across the river Ile in Kazakhstan.

In total, more than 100 shock absorbers (both rod-type and spring-type) and frictionally movable joints for viscoelastic dampers were manufactured. In addition, a number of aseismic systems and bearing parts of the original design were manufactured for one pedestrian bridge.

In 2012, a number of aseismic systems for an out-of-class railway bridge across the river Ile in Kazakhstan were made.

In 2019 – early 2020, two sets of shock absorbers for pedestrian bridges in the city of Grozny (Chechen Republic) were manufactured.

Please write or call: (+7 812) 560-71-69, +7 921 969-76-93

6. Sliding bearings (thrust bearings)

For more than 10 years, SC Stroycomplex-5 LLC has been supplying machine builders with sliding bearings (thrust bearings) for various machines and mechanisms. Among our key customers, the branches of Izhorskiye Zavody, and our products are intended for walking excavators. During that period, more than 5,000 of such thrusts were manufactured.

Sliding and thrust bearings can be manufactured of almost any size.

Please write or call: (+7 812) 560-71-69, +7 921 969-76-93

7. Research and development

The employees of SC Stroycomplex-5 LLC carry out orders of specific research projects.

In particular, the company has extensive experience in performing metal X-ray strain-gauge measurements. The essence of the method is to determine changes in interatomic distances inside steel crystals in the presence and absence of mechanical stresses in a sample. The research results make it possible to establish a scientific rationale for bridge repair projects with spans made of prestressed concrete and measure metal stresses in metal structures for various purposes.

8. Design activities

In 2019, SC Stroycomplex-5 LLC entered the self-regulating organization of designers and was granted permission to carry out bridge design activities. The first project was the Investment Feasibility Study for the Construction of a Bridge across the River Tom in the City of Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo Oblast performed in 2019.

Please write or call: (+7 812) 560-71-69, +7 921 969-76-93